To some, molasses is just a thick, dark liquid produced during the process of making raw sugar. But, this concentrated syrup contains many vitamins and minerals and is rich in antioxidants and is used in many ways.

As a sweetener – add to tea or coffee for sweetness and texture

As a health tonic – add a dollop to a smoothie for an extra health kick

In baking – add as an ingredient to cake or biscuits recipes for golden colour and caramel flavour

As a stockfeed – Molasses has been used as a livestock feed for more than 100 years

Along with its usage as a sweetener in food products, molasses also offers health benefits for all ages and is used for treating a wide range of ailments. Some benefits include:

  • Women’s health
  • Mental health
  • Skin and Bone health
  • Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory

   Download Molasses: A Natural Health Tonic